BulletRDE Lutherie Content License:

This license is granted to you for the use of documents, wallpaper and other images, sounds and software by Lutherie available for download from https://www.rdelutherie.com or any other source under the control of Lutherie.  It does not grant you any such rights for any other works on this site not provided for download by Lutherie, nor works on this site by any other author, in which case the Author's license takes precedence.  If author licensing is provided, it will accommodate the product and/or the content in the same way the author provided it, or instructs to provide it.  The copying of text, images or any other content does not fall under the scope of “as provided for download”.  Any material taken from this website and distributed by others without written consent falls under this license, and is therefor illegally distributed and subject to legal pursuit by Lutherie and/or agents under contract of Lutherie.

You can use documents, wallpaper and other images, sounds and software provided by Lutherie free of charge on every and any personal device that you may own, for personal non commercial use only.  This portion of the license does not extend to any content of any kind not specifically offered as a free download by Lutherie, and marked as such.

You may not use documents, wallpaper and other images, sounds and software including web apps and snippets or code of any kind by Lutherie on your personal web site, web pages, forums, blogs or social media of any kind, nor within any form of artwork in any way without my written consent.

You may not make documents, wallpaper and other images, sounds and software by Lutherie available for download on any website or web page without my written consent, nor distribute them in any other way. Please send interested people to https://www.rdelutherie.com so they can download them for themselves.

You may not use documents, wallpaper and other images, sounds and software by Lutherie for any commercial purposes whatsoever, without entering into a written witnessed and signed contract with me Robert D. English, the author and creator.

For any use where my consent is asked for as stated above, please contact me through the contact form on https://www.rdelutherie.com. Using the “Other” selection in the “Reason for contact” field.

All content at https://www.rdelutherie.com is copyright ©1980 to 2019 by Robert D. English, unless otherwise noted within the content the work is presented, or listed in the copyright section of the site, found by clicking on the Copyright link in the footer Below.