This section of the site contains documentation of Lutherie policies. You can either read them here or download them in the form of PDF documents as you see fit.
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I Robert D. English am committed to keeping your identifying information totally private. I will not give away, share, or sell any of the information you provide to me, other than that which is intended to be published, for any purpose to anyone, whether private or corporate, under any circumstances within my control, no matter how badly they may want it.
I will protect all private data submitted to me with the best of my ability against regular and cyber-thieves, and do so using smart practices and tools such as:
I do not store your information on this web site or its server. I do not store information in "The Cloud", as that means that multiple copy’s would be stored in multiple locations, on multiple servers, possibly in multiple countries, all under different regulations and jurisdictions, and making it more susceptible to intrusion by greedy corporations, nosy government agency's and hackers.
The Lutherie website ( and all of Lutherie’s computing equipment all employ modern and up to date hardware and software firewalls to thwart intrusion, male ware and virus detection and removal software, in addition, all incoming traffic is monitored for phishing and SPAM in real time.
In addition, any and all information that I do have stored, is encrypted using strong algorithms, making it incredibly hard to decrypt, in case it ever gets into the wrong hands.
I can not guaranty to protect your personal information from the government and their various agency's, as their methods and reach may circumvent all the above weather rightful or not.
Lastly: I ask of you, to handle my information with care too. Do not give out any Lutherie Email addresses, the phone number or physical address. Instead point all interested parties to the Lutherie website at so they can not only contact me through it, but hopefully browse the site and find answers for any questions they have prior to contacting me.