Well to be honest "Store" is an overstatement, as I am a craftsman and want no part of sales other than where it comes to my own product. That being said, whenever I finish an instrument build, you will find it here. I may at one time in the future start offering other products of my own design, depending on what I come up with, but one step at a time, I am not there yet.
For now (January 2019) finding something here will be a rare occasion, as repair work is my main source of income. I do have a few instruments in the works though, and being rather elaborate works meant to showcase my skills, they are also very time consuming, so you will just have to be be patient. I can although offer you a minor preview here, and their builds are documented elsewhere on this site in more detail. So, let me give you a preview in the form of a few drawings:
In this drawing the inlays are white, but that's just the drawing. The actual inlays are in full color, and around 1/3 are already done, so check it out.
Think Frank Zappa's Bebop Tango with an added low B string.
If basic geometry bores you, step up to a spirangle.
This one only exists as a drawing so far.
I'm still playing with some of the details of the design of this chambered semi-hollow body guitar. I am not going to rush it though, as that is where bad designs come from. I don't want the logo on a bad design.